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日本大鲵(Andrias japonicus)是一种水生以及习惯于夜间活动的两栖动物,是世界第二大娃娃鱼。主要分布在日本的本州到岐阜西部,四国和九州的局部地区的山区河流的上游及水质清澈的山溪中。




中文学名 日本大鲵 有尾目
拉丁学名 Andrias japonicus 大鲵属
日文俗名 大山椒魚 日本大鲵
英文俗名 Japanese Giant Salamander 隐鳃鲵科
动物界 命名作者 Temminck
脊索动物门 命名年代 1836







Martin, 2017/05/02 14:01


宇宙第三圆厨, 2017/05/03 12:47


REMONTaben, 2018/06/09 10:37

<b>Hello, let's be friends</b>
Real news without censorship Latest news of USA. We n we publish all of them hot and topical events World, analytics experts. All evil on earth is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - State <a href=http://remmont.com

>Arkansas Finance</a>

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NEF6aben, 2018/06/12 06:48

Selected sites. We n we publish all of them current and advanced facts World, analytics experts. All bad in the world happens with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Dill <a href=http://nef6.com

>Connecticut Finance</a>

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NEF2aben, 2018/06/21 23:22

Geoeconomics We n we publish all of them hot and important facts World, estimates experts. All bad on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Volunteers. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Human Rights <a href=http://www.nef2.com

> Loans News </a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/03 16:55

??Latest USA news. We n we publish all of them hot and important facts Russia, estimates experts. All negative on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Enthusiasts. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Conflicts <a href=http://www.apartment.remmont.com

>Bathroom News</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 22:59

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 22:59

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 23:00

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 23:00

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 23:00

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 23:00

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 23:00

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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AUTOaben, 2018/07/03 23:00

world news We n we publish all of them fresh and global news World, estimates experts. All evil on this planet is created with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are People. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Faces <a href=http://www.auto.remmont.com

>Maryland Business</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/04 09:37

Politics of Russia We n we publish all of them hot and global facts Russia, estimates experts. All evil on this planet exists with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Technologies and Science <a href=http://apartment.remmont.com

>Zambia Finance</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/04 09:37

Politics of Russia We n we publish all of them hot and global facts Russia, estimates experts. All evil on this planet exists with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Technologies and Science <a href=http://apartment.remmont.com

>Zambia Finance</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/04 09:37

Politics of Russia We n we publish all of them hot and global facts Russia, estimates experts. All evil on this planet exists with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Technologies and Science <a href=http://apartment.remmont.com

>Zambia Finance</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/04 09:37

Politics of Russia We n we publish all of them hot and global facts Russia, estimates experts. All evil on this planet exists with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Technologies and Science <a href=http://apartment.remmont.com

>Zambia Finance</a>

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APARTMENTaben, 2018/07/04 09:37

Politics of Russia We n we publish all of them hot and global facts Russia, estimates experts. All evil on this planet exists with the quiet tacit consent of the indifferent. No one provides us with incentives. We are Disinterested. We are building a civil society. The people are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power. No one can usurp power. Useful topics - Technologies and Science <a href=http://apartment.remmont.com

>Zambia Finance</a>

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